What Is WHOIS MY IP | WHOIS LOOKUP – My Webs Hosting

WHOIS knew the phrase “whois.” It is a combination of the two words who + is. It is the database of the users, who owns a Domain name. This listing database available on the Internet and provides complete information regarding the domain owners such as Domain holder name, address, contact number, etc. In addition, it also reveals the “WHOIS My IP” means provides the details of my IP address and other users (domain owner) IP address.

Most importantly, WHOIS is a complete list of the Domain owner, with the full details, available on the Internet. So basically, it is the record of the Domain owner. WHOIS is the global record of the domain owner on the Internet.

Sometimes, WHOIS lookup criticized revealing the privacy of domain name because due to this service, Domain name owner information is available on the Internet.

WHOIS is the Internet record and protocol that keeps all information regarding who owns the Domain. Meanwhile, it is a worldwide database of registered domain names.

What is WHOIS IP

WHOIS History

American scientist Elizabeth Feinler and her teammates made a great contribution towards the creation of the Resource Directory for ARPNET and the first WHOIS directory in the early 1970s.

Internet emerges from ARPNET in 1969. The first time the WHOIS query service was standardized in the early 1980s to look up the Domain information.

WHOIS  is the global database of a registered Domain name, meanwhile, anyone can access this public database about a specific domain owner.

What is WHOIS?

“WHOIS” is the global database of domain name records. Basically, it is an Internet Protocol that delivers information about the domain name. This service provides detailed information regarding the domain name owner including Domain date of registration, expired data, and contact details with address.

Whois is also pronounced as “WHO” “IS “. It is an Internet service used to verify and look up information about the Domain name. More interestingly, this Internet protocol reveals information about the domain name, Internet servers, and checks the domain owner.

For instance, If someone has a query like – who owns the domain, so that time with the help of  WHOIS protocol, we get the complete information pertaining to the Domain.

WHOIS is primarily used to get the information and to know their identity, pertaining to the specific Domain name.

The second advantage of WHOIS lookup is to verify whether the domain name is available or has already been registered.

All the Domain name registration and ownership are regulated by ICANN – The Internet Corporation For Assigned Names And Numbers.

WHOIS Lookup

WHOIS lookup is a service to search the Domain database for a particular Domain name information. The public database about the Domain name is available on the Internet anyone can see it.

WHOIS lookup is a query protocol, that keeps all the public database of a registered Domain, globally.

When you use the WHOIS Domain service, it displays, vital information about the specific Domain name, such as domain owner name, address, email, phone number, domain creation, and expiry date.

A WHOIS lookup is a kind of facility (service) that allows you to find out the ownership and contact details of the Domain name. You can easily find out so many WHOIS lookup tools on the Internet.

Every day hundreds of Domain names are purchased worldwide. Therefore, it is needed to keep a systematic record of every Domain name, that’s why the domain name registries maintain a record of detailed information regarding the Domain name.

WHOIS database includes or displays the following information:-

  • Domain owner name.
  • Address.
  • Phone number.
  • Email.
  • Domain creation date.
  • Expires date of the domain.
  • Domain Name Server.

ICANN ensures that registrars and registries provide public access to data regarding a registered Domain name. So, anyone from anywhere can use the WHOIS services to search for detailed identification information pertaining to the Domain name registrant.

WHOIS My IP – What Is My IP Address?

We can use the WHOIS My IP service on the Internet to find out the information about any IP address, including my IP. Moreover, this service provides detailed information related to a particular IP address such as an address, contact information, and location of a specific IP address.

IP means Internet Protocol, basically, it is a set of rules which make it possible for different devices to communicate with each other over the Internet.

When you buy a Domain name, The Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) makes it compulsory for your Domain name registrar to submit your detailed information to the WHOIS database. As a result, your personal information is added to the WHOIS Directory.

As a result, your personal information is in the public domain which means that your personal details are now publicly available on the Internet. Furthermore, anyone can check or verify the domain name holder of all information using the WHOIS My IP search tool.

Sometimes, we have the query like – who owns the domain of a specific IP address, so with the help of WHOIS protocol, we get the complete information regarding a particular IP address.

Meanwhile, WHOIS is a query protocol that allows the user to get information about the IP number resources. In addition, the WHOIS My IP gives you detailed data regarding your IP address because many times we want to know about our IP address.

Are you looking for more info regarding – ICANN?

ICANN Wiki, here you get all the info in detail.


WHOIS IP enables you to find out, who is the real person behind the particular IP address. Moreover, we get the exact information about the owner of a specific IP address.

Furthermore, when some notorious people spamming you, try to heck your site and continuously create a problem for you. So that time to reach out to the person, you can use the WHOIS IP lookup service.

WHOIS IP is primarily used to get the information and to know their identity pertaining to a particular IP address. Meanwhile, the IP addresses are unique identifiers.

In short, when we want to know about a particular IP address, we can use WHOIS IP services to reach out to the individual.

WHOIS Domain

Domain checks WHOIS services can be also used to check Domain name availability. Whois the Internet record and protocol that keeps all information regarding, who owns the Domain. Moreover, it is the worldwide database of the domain name and is used to find the domain registration details.

There are billions of Domain names used to create websites globally. During the process of a register Domain name, you need to provide (submit) information like – name, address, phone number, email ID, state name, country name, and postal code.

The WHOIS database is available on the Internet so, anyone can check domain owner details with the use of the WHOIS online service.

WHOIS Search

When we use WHOIS search services, it searches multiple registrars’ databases of the registered Domain name and provides you detailed information about specific domain name registration including, the personal contact details, of the domain holder.

In short, WHOIS lookup is used to search, identify, and locate the Domain name.